
NEWS|Exhibition Notice

2022-08-09 16:51:32

Elementi is going to attend the Habitat València Fair (FeriaHabitat Valencia) from September 20 to 23, 2022 at world design capital Feria Valencia, Spain
Elementi will attend the Habitat Fair with its new products fresh out of the oven and will have its place in N2P6 - B25. At this exhibition, you will be able to find everything from the most iconic items of Elementi Fire to exquisite new products of Elementi Living, such as the Ikaria, the Rome, the Kylix and the Chronos table series.
We believe this exhibition will be a perfect opportunity for our exchange of ideas and to establish new contacts, and we sincerely look forward to your visit.
More information about the fair and access to the professional visitor registration on https://www.feriahabitatvalencia.com.

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